HeartThread with Petra

(1 customer review)


HeartThread is a modality that releases long-standing patterns that affect our behavior and brings awareness, clarity, and understanding. Conscious awareness of our patterns shift our relationship with our body/mind/emotion/spirit, allowing us to live more fully from our hearts—without restriction and fear.

My name is Petra. Originally from Hungary, I have always been curious about the nature and purpose of our souls. I started my journey towards awakening almost 20 years ago. Since then, I have been learning, feeling and healing, under the guidance of many beautiful teachers here in Europe and the US. I offer support to people in accessing their full potential by holding safe space for their self-discovery through healing modalities and full presence.

I moved to Portugal with my two children in 2020, following a strong calling to serve on this land. Since then I have been actively involved with the local community, including leading women’s circles and events.

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HeartThread Practitioners create a heart link between them and the client. This connection creates a safe environment to open your field of energy to shift patterns, even ones we have carried since early childhood. This field of energy extends beyond the immediate space and links together all life forms. The HeartThread connection makes it possible for us to heal relationships even with those not physically present or even still living…

HeartThread is a “space” in consciousness where one experiences a unified field or zero point, based on Oneness. In this “space” we transcend our feelings of separation and isolation and find inner peace. We then allow ease and grace, opening to create our lives from Self-Authority.

1:1 session (online) personal investment $122
1:1 session (in person in Sintra, Portugal) personal investment $144

If you want to feel into my energy deeper before booking a session click on my soundcloud link to listen to some of my channelings, meditations, contemplations..


1 review for HeartThread with Petra

  1. Flower

    I have tried a variety of therapies over the years and had been curious to try ‘HeartThread’ for some time. Petra and I conducted our session online and she explained to me we store emotions and traumas at a cellular level and that at times we need to release and let go of these energetic blockages via a process of breathing into and through the heart, through connection with Petra’s heart and with assistance from a particular Angel who comes through to help with guiding through the meditative process.
    I didn’t know what would come up in advance to be released – so I just went with the flow and had a soft and gentle yet profound and deeply healing experience, part of which enabled me to move forward in letting my much beloved dog emotionally go (who had passed on last year).
    Petra also recorded the last part so I can refer back to the guidance at any time. I will also practice the heart breathing as this is a great new skill to have.

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