Natural Health Coaching with Kristina Heckman

(2 customer reviews)


I will help you understand what you need to do to clean your body, work with you to retrain your mind and explore your spirit! Work with me and completely change your life!

I am a Board Certified Natural Health Coach, certified through the American Association of Natural Wellness Coaches and did my training through The Global Healing Institute. Together, you and I will analyze your lifestyle, diet and mental health to find the ROOT cause of your problems.

Your body DOES have a self-healing mechanism. You CAN heal yourself and improve your life!

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At 30, I was diagnosed with my first autoimmune disorder, Hashimoto’s Disease. At 40, I developed Celiac Disease. Becoming gluten free certainly helped, but there was still something missing! Doctors never gave me solutions, just prescribed me more medication. My mental health suffered, and my physical health was not where it needed to be either.

After years without answers, I finally found methods and practices within the field of natural health that have changed my life! My goal is now to pass this information on to others that have lost hope and those who continue to struggle physically and mentally! I will tell you what I needed to know 25 years ago and help you change your life! I work with both adults and teenagers and my speciality is auto-immune disorders.

Mental, spiritual and physical natural health coaching.

  • Mental, spiritual and physical natural health coaching.
  • How do you “eat clean?”
  • Lifestyle changes that are important during the Great Awakening.
  • Methods of detoxing that work!
  • Creating mental clarity and weight loss.
  • The good, bad and the ugly about Fasting.
  • Anti-inflammatory diets.
  • Urotherapy in a nutshell!
  • Navigating Herxing while getting healthy.
  • Support/encouragement during detoxing – when NOT to quit!
  • WHY we are sick and HOW we can get better!
  • Experience treating auto-immune conditions.
  • Experience working with teenagers!

Personal Investment $75 per hour

2 reviews for Natural Health Coaching with Kristina Heckman

  1. Jan A

    “I broke my ankle in three places last Christmas – a devastating injury at 81! Kris helped me realize how important eating healthy was, especially while healing! During the 9 weeks I was non-weight bearing, I ate well and actually LOST 10 pounds! I plan on continuing improving my health with food!”

  2. Susie Hughes

    Kris is an experienced and empathic practitioner. She was able to relate well to my challenges around hormones and menopause and provided some great dietary and supplementary advice around how to manage inflammation, parasites and balancing hormones – which is the main reason I reached out to her.
    I admit, I need to cut out many food groups so as to achieve my health goals, which could be challenging – but I feel supported by Kris and her expertise in this area. Looking forward to reviewing things with her in due course.

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