Personal Alchemy with Blanca

(1 customer review)


Hi, I’m Blanca. I describe myself as an energy alchemist, continuously evolving and transforming myself and my life through the continual transmutation of the distortions of the false self into the embodiment of and identification with the true self.

After two divorces, losing my business, and many years of struggle, I finally realized that changing the external was futile. My outer chaos was a reflection of my inner turmoil. It was I that had to change…

Little by little, I picked myself up and I embarked on my own journey of self discovery and self liberation. Now, many modalities, books, mentors, courses and workshops later, I use my own experience, abilities and passion to inspire others to embrace, express and empower themselves.

My passion is to support you on your own personal alchemy as you heal and transmute thought and emotional patterns, and easily transition into a new way of being, in alignment with soul and in flow with life.

My approach to coaching is one of personal power and self responsibility. I lovingly guide you to courageously break the façade and face yourself, shattering false beliefs that are blocking and keeping you from experiencing and knowing your inherent worth, power and abundance.

As you reclaim your power, I support you with the integration of your newfound alignment and reconnection with yourself to reveal your true essence and authentic expression. You remember, embrace and embody your light and magnificence to thrive and boldly lead your life!

You will not only experience physical, mental and emotional healing and wellbeing, but you will also reconnect with your spiritual essence and gain the confidence and inspiration to live your life authentically, boldly and beautifully!

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Experience the alchemy of subconscious energy and free your mind from the limitations of the past, and strengthen the link that connects you with your wellbeing and infinite potential.

PSYCH-K® facilitates an expansion out of subconscious limitations into self-empowering responses, physically, behaviorally, and emotionally.

Imagine that your mind is an iceberg. What you see above the water is only about 5% of your mind. It is the conscious mind. The remaining 95% is underwater. It is unseen and sometimes unknown. This is your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind runs on autopilot following its programs or beliefs. It’s like a computer running its software. In order to change the outcome, new beliefs or software must be installed.

Through processes called Balances, we dismantle false and limiting beliefs that are holding you in repetitive cycles that can lead to self sabotage, and anchor new empowering beliefs.

We address beliefs and attitudes that may be related to or correlate with an underlying health condition that limit wellbeing or may impair physical healing- that is, to go to the psycho-physical/spiritual source of the problem rather than remain at the level of the symptoms. This new interpretation liberates you and propels you to create new experiences that you truly desire. You access your personal power and express your true potential. It is the catalyst for your soul evolution.

With PSYCH-K® you will consciously and subconsciously re-perceive yourself, your circumstances and your infinite potential.


  • a simple yet powerful and effective way to change self-limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where nearly all human behavior- both constructive and destructive- originates.
  • a transformational modality that transcends affirmations, psychotherapy, positive thinking, will power and manifesting techniques, especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness and stress reduction
  • a spiritual process with psychological benefits
  • a direct way to facilitate communication between the conscious and subconscious mind
  • a personalized process that meets you exactly where you are
  • a groundbreaking approach to access and facilitate change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our mind operates.
  • a non-invasive, interactive process of sustainable change with a proven record of success for over 30 years
  • a process that allows you to transform your limiting perceptions
  • the missing piece in your life that helps you find the peace in life you are missing.

All problems are side effects rooted in an imbalance in our spiritual wellbeing, manifesting in the mental, emotional and physical bodies. The belief or illusion of separation, that we are not connected to and are not a part of each other and Divine Intelligence, is the origin of all pain and suffering in every aspect of life.

The active ingredient in mind/body healing is belief.” ~Robert M. Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®


144000 Light Warriors exclusive: $144.00 for a 90 minute session, which includes a 30 minute follow up session. Services offered in English and in Spanish.

1 review for Personal Alchemy with Blanca

  1. Alicia B

    I have just had my first session with Blanca and felt compelled to write a review. Blanca explained exactly what Psych-k was, how the process worked and how it could help me. I found her to be friendly, knowledgeable and an excellent communicator.

    I was impressed at how she was able to shift my emotional state quickly and easily (I was a little stressed initially as our session started following a disagreement with a family member), using a combination of muscle testing and adjusting my own physiology (amazing what can be achieved on-line!). She also gave me some handy tips moving forward that I can utilize until our next session. Thanks Blanca! Appreciate you.

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