About Us

Who are the 144000 Light Warriors?

Let’s get straight to it! The 144,000 Light Warriors are amongst the many advanced souls and higher dimensional beings, who answered the call for assistance and have reincarnated on Earth to help raise the planet’s vibration and to restore balance during this current time of great crisis (a.k.a apocalypse).

We carry divine light, wisdom, and the healing energy frequency of love, truth, and unity, to uplift human consciousness. and to guide humanity through a spiritual awakening. Many of us are actively working to dismantle the old fear-based systems and usher in a new era of peace, love, and higher consciousness.

(Some Native American and indigenous prophecies – such as the Hopi Prophecy – speak of the “Rainbow Warriors”, another term for the 144000).

And… 144,000 is also a frequency.  In numerology, the number 144,000 breaks down as 1+4+4 = 9. The number 9 represents completion, enlightenment, and universal consciousness. This is the frequency needed to transmute lower energies, helping both Earth and humanity transition into a higher state of consciousness.


144,000 Light Warriors was founded by Davide Bergese, initially using the communications platform Telegram. Davide has long been established as a ‘spiritual influencer’ and beacon of light and is committed to sharing his deep knowledge and powerful insights to assist the Great Awakening process and provide education and assistance to all souls who reached out. 

Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things. Let the New Earth begin!