144,000 Light Warriors

Here to Usher in The New Earth.

Come with us, as together we embark on an innovative, online journey of creation and community, transcending the boundaries of conventional 3D ‘matrix’ thought and perception…

… By rising up and building alternatives to the old, traditional ways that kept humanity trapped and enslaved – we offer a collaborative approach of learning, supporting, sharing and transacting with each other, thus bringing in the New Earth of 5D.


In the ever-evolving landscape of online platforms, a profound shift is underway — the rise of consciousness.

As collectively, we become increasingly aware of the social, environmental, and ethical implications of our decisions, the 144,000 Light Warriors site is designed to respond in kind.

Through transparency and accountability we encourage users to transact with one another using intention and integrity, thereby aligning their values with their actions.


At its core, creation is a symphony of infinite possibilities, a continuous act of manifestation that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

Whether it be the birth of ideas, or the shaping of a new online world, designed to educate and heal, creation is a dynamic process that truely embodies the essence of 144,000 Light Warriors.

We provide creators with unprecedented opportunities to share their services and products with the world, fostering a global culture of creativity and collaboration.


Community is the heartbeat of human connection and is built via a groundbreaking marketplace that sets itself apart from the crowd.

Unlike Amazon’s or Ebay’s vast and overwhelming selection, where price is often the only differing factor on the same old items, 144,000 Light Warriors integrates sustainability, community, and innovation into every facet of transacting with one another.

Our marketplace of products and services is a conduit for positive change.

Donate to 144,000 Light Warriors

Whilst much of our work is conducted for free, this website has external service costs. Your support in the form of a donation or a purchase of our merchandise from our shop are greatly appreciated.

This kind action will also amplify your karmic and abundance energies. Peace & blessings.

Thank you for your support.

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