
Astrology by Christina

My name is Christina Celona and I AM a perpetual student of life with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to continue to expand my horizons. I love all things mystical and magickal. I AM a practicing Astrologer and a light worker with a strong and insightful intuition. I have studied extensively and continue to do so. 

I believe that Astrology can help get to the heart of any matter while aiding us on our path to self awareness and wholeness. Additionally, I AM an energy healer, certified massage therapist, and a minister with the Universal Life Church. I AM also a Mom which is my most important job and title.

To connect with Christina, visit her site:

Pisces Lunar Eclipse - Out of this World 17.09.2024

The Pisces Full Moon September 17th is also a Lunar Eclipse. The Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is out-of-this-World as Neptune, the ruler of this Lunation, is closely connected, bringing heightened Emotions and Psychic Sensitivity. Tune in to the Magic and Subtleties hidden in plain sight all around you.     

Eclipses are Headline News in Astrology since Eclipses are Potent Portals acting as an Accelerator of Time and events. A Lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon times Ten, as Energies are Amplified, while oftentimes bringing about closure and new starts to some situation. Things can feel fast-tracked and all of a sudden.   

You may undoubtedly feel spaced out and lost in the sauce under the current Cosmic conditions. Being in the Here and Now may prove difficult so allow yourself some space to Space-out, Daydream, Meditate, Reflect and Create. Earthly concerns may feel overwhelming or insignificant. Maybe you feel unable to deal in the real world and feel a need to Escape the ordinary. There may also be something that you need to face, that you’d rather not or that you’ve been avoiding that comes as a bit of a reality check. 

Pisces deals in Unknowns, Mysteries and Secrets, the Fantastic, Extraordinary and Unreal and this Lunar Eclipse may give you a glimpse into such things. It appears that whatever is revealed now touches you on a deep level and changes you significantly. Release and Flow. 

Water and Liquids are also emphasized now – Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Marine Animals, Floods, Leaks.  


The outer planets- Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn are all working together harmoniously, in a favorable alignment with this Eclipse, pointing to the shifting collective consciousness, awakening and changing along with a deep sense of knowing that there’s something reaching its conclusion; the end an Age, an Old Paradigm, while at the same time, the Birth of Something New is underway. You feel it from within, there’s something in the Air- and it’s more and more evident all around you. An Awakening of Spirit has flooded the Collective Consciousness assisting in Assimilating, Digesting and Filtering into your Common Experience – and it’s beginning to take shape and will show up in real-life useful ways. 

On another level, as cycles and situations close, there could be a sense of sadness, loss, confusion or grief that comes with letting go and surrendering – a relationship, job, status, identity, a behavior, a belief or way of thinking, etc. Keep Faith- there’s something waiting on the other side.

Venus in Libra is also sending her vibes to this Eclipse along with a boost from Jupiter in Gemini, pointing out a shift in the balance – that’s deeply felt- bringing things into alignment while opening opportunities for exchanging views and having meaningful connections and conversations.

Mars in Cancer and Ceres in Capricorn are engaged in a Grand Cross with the Nodes of Fate suggesting important choice points triggering your emotions and instinctual gut reactions, calling to something ancient and ancestral, so familiar, eliciting a sense of recognition and belonging, a feeling of being ‘home’ while offering support, commitment, allegiance and loyalty. 

On another level, there could be matters involving the strong protection and care for families, land, farms and food. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL!

Virgo New Moon - Painstaking Processes 26.08.2024

September starts with a Virgo New Moon on the 2nd that’s holding some notable Energy Shifts.   A New Moon is the beginning of a new Lunar Cycle for the month ahead and the perfect time for new starts in some area of your life. A Virgo New Moon is the perfect time to get your act together and bring order to your Life.

Exactly how that looks is up to you, it may show up as a new Health and Wellness Routine, a Diet, or Exercise Regimen, or perhaps you find a new Healer, or Healthcare Practitioner. 

Clearing the clutter from your cabinets and closets or your mind is another great way to utilize this period. This phase favors Cleaning, Organizing, and Creating Systems and Schedules so that your everyday world Functions Effectively, Efficiently and Productively. Any ‘bugs’ in the system can be brought to light now in order to be corrected. It’s time for crossing things off your list that perhaps you’ve avoided or put off because it’s too overwhelming or just too much work or maybe you didn’t know where or how to begin. No Time like the Present.   

Saturn in Pisces is across the Sky from this New Moon signaling that it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. No more excuses or procrastination. The Cosmic Taskmaster Saturn demands Discipline and sticking with a Painstaking Process, ensuring that things are done correctly and with precision to achieve a desired result. The effects of the difficult work done now will be long-lasting. 

You could also be in a bit of a Time Crunch as you try to fit all your tasks and activities into your schedule.


On the other hand, there could be a Culmination of Efforts, highlighting your Experience and Expertise, Competence and Commitment. In that case, Saturn can leave you a Reward. 


This phase also favors taking responsibility for your Health as well as highlighting Detoxification, Purification, Toxicity and Poisoning. There could be an emphasis on Accountability of the Healthcare system along with the Effectiveness and Efficacy of particular Practices, Protocols, Treatments, Therapies and Remedies. 

On another level, Schemes that were operating in the background may begin to take shape now.

Or it may be that an old program or complex that’s been operating as the basis that’s kept you limited and playing small, is brought into your awareness enabling you to recognize its irrelevance and pointlessness to the Life you’re now creating.

This phase also calls to mind the importance of the Body, Mind and Spirit Connection for total Health and Wellness, allowing you to integrate and make use of spiritual practices in your daily life.   

One of the big shifts important to note during this phase is that Pluto, in retrograde motion, re-enters Capricorn September 1st through November 20th and won’t return to this slice of the Heavens for nearly two hundred and fifty years. Pluto has a very long cycle, and first entered Capricorn skies in 2008. Since March of 2023 Pluto has straddled between the last degrees of Capricorn and the very early degrees of Aquarius. The coming weeks while Pluto transits the last degree of Capricorn marks a finishing up phase of clean-up and correction, reconstruction and renewal. By mid-November Pluto moves into Aquarius until 2044, shaping the next two decades. These are historic once in a lifetime planetary movements. On a personal level, Pluto in Capricorn has reframed some part of your life over the last several years. 

Uranus in Taurus also moves to retrograde motion September 1st suggesting that change starts from within as you recognize an Inner Revolution, and a personal awareness of your awakening senses.

Mars in Gemini contacts Neptune in Pisces – don’t believe everything you hear as all is not clear and there could be mix-ups and confusion. On the other hand, it could feel like someone speaks directly to your soul or on an intuitive level without the need for words.  Perhaps you’re sharpening your skills in Telepathy and tapping into your intuition. Creative writing or music is supported now. There’s Magick in the Air.

Venus in Libra links up with Juno and the South Node pointing out unfinished business in a relationship, perhaps with someone from your past.   

Mercury in Leo is the ruler of the Virgo New Moon and in favorable alignment with Chiron in Aries showing you the Key to your Next Level comes with Authentic Communication and Expression and speaking from the Heart. 

New Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to ALL! 

Fasten Your Seatbelt! Aquarius Full Moon 19.08.2024

The Aquarius Full Moon August 19th is a bit of a wild ride with tensions high, along with plenty of Plot Twists and Surprises on the Horizon. It’s best to keep an open mind and remain flexible and unattached to specific outcomes as things shift from moment to moment. 

Aquarius is a sign associated with the Future, Change, Coming Trends, Humanity and the Collective Consciousness and these will be the themes highlighted during this period. 

Uranus in Taurus is the ruler of the Aquarius Full Moon and is actively squaring off with the Full Moon bringing a wake-up call, perhaps sending shockwaves through your system. There could be revelations, disclosures and admissions coming forth. There’s a sense of unrest, agitation, turbulence and disturbance in the air. There could also be changes in market conditions, banks, currencies, costs, expenses and payments in addition to Earth, Sky and Weather Events and Anomalies. 

On the other hand, you could have moments of Inspiration, Awakening, and Discoveries, tapping into Higher Consciousness and receiving downloads of information in an instant. 

Mercury retrograde in Leo is closely connected to this lunation suggesting that there’s some piece of information or a message that you may have missed or misunderstood, perhaps there’s something that you may have overlooked, or that’s been obscured, blocked, or delayed  that you need to take another look at, or a conversation that’s been put off that you need to have. What you find may take you by surprise and be a game changer. 

Mars and Jupiter in Gemini have their two-year meetup on the 14th bringing a rush of information, or an onslaught of messages and conversations while Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Virgo join the conversation just a few days later, forming a complex configuration called a Mutable T-Square, keeping things moving and changing and keeping you on your toes.  You’re challenged to use your discernment and to stretch your mind beyond just Thinking to Knowing and tapping into your Higher Guidance, shutting out any noise and confusion- which will be running rampant, and tuning into your Intuition and how things feel to you. There will be several stories, news and narratives, messages, calls, visitors and even people from your past, reappearing, spinning into your Orbit. Things may feel overwhelming while sifting through it all and to Know the Truth or Meaning behind any of it- information overload is quite likely – don’t overthink it- Feel. 

Perhaps you’re learning and studying something new, developing your knowledge and expertise. There may be something you learn or hear that shakes you out of your thought bubble, setting you off and moving you beyond perceived limits, as you begin to appreciate your process, learning to enjoy the present and to be in the moment while acknowledging and accepting imperfections and willing to work on them without losing sight of the magic and beauty and the simple goodness in everyday life. Practical Magick. 

It’s as if a door that was previously locked, has now opened or something that was withheld or obscured, something you were in the dark about, something that’s held you back or prevented you from another level of understanding, has now been brought to light changing the way you see things and your whole frame of reference as old barriers and blocks melt away, shattering limiting beliefs, broadening your views and welcoming healing and liberation. 

On another level, you may be filled with great ideas and grand plans that you’re finally able to create methods and systems in support of, aware of the ‘how-to’ for bringing form to your bigger vision. You’re motivated to take it from the planning and imaginary stages into the implementation and manifestation phase. You’re able to see multiple paths and solutions and willing and able to make changes and corrections as you deem necessary. 

These are busy skies with lot’s happening and every planet engaged, lending its energy and input, all having a part in this Cosmic Song. 

Full Moon Blessings and Good Vibes to All!